Jul 27, 2011


Jul 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Jul 11, 2011

Sedih dgn mentality sesetengah people..

"Aku tak dapat keluar hari Sabtu nak pergi shopping complex sebab BERSIH = Malaysia tidak aman!"

"Ooh, bestnya main salji di Melbourne, xnak balik Msia sbb Malaysia ada Perhimpunan Haram.."

"Tidak boleh berhimpun kerana Malaysia ini aman! Jangan jadikan Malaysia tidak aman!"

"Semua jem teruk sebab BERSIH! (Bukan sebab polis roadblock)"


Sedangkan, BERSIH itu sebenarnya memperjuangkan hak setiap anda yang baca penulisan ini..

Sedangkan, BERSIH itu sebenarnya memperjuangkan hak setiap anda yang baca penulisan ini..

Satu quote y paling aku suka diucapkan oleh salah seorang pemimpin di hari kejadian..

"Siapa di antara kamu yang berusia 40 tahun dan ke bawah, anda semua tidak tahu apa itu erti demokrasi!.."

Ok, enough is enough.. Play that quote in your mind, digest it, and rethink again.. Don't let your mind dijajah lagi..

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Jul 6, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Jul 5, 2011

There is a fine line..

On thing you want, you may want, or you don't even want it at all..

Do you ever come across this line? "I have a dream.." It is a word from the ever famous Martin Luther King, Jr... Yes, he had a dream, then he got killed soon afterwards..

Did I always write about death? Not exactly, I write about things that I would like to do before I left this world.. No one knows exactly when you are gonna leave, when are your loved ones are going to leave you, or is it you are the one that will leave first..

There are not many things that I want in life, half of it has already achieved, for example, marrying your soulmate, and having had the chance on seeing your own daughter's eyes.. But there are some other things more that I'd like to do before I leave.. And one of it is to taste the taste of success.. In other words, completes all that left on my list.. That, would exactly tell me on what will the taste; taste like..

Love is all I have, and hope keeps me awake.

Ya اَللّهِ keep me awake while I achieve, or trying to achieve my dreams. I know I don't deserve a day when You say I don't.

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