Picture was taken at random from Mr. Google, indicates that the location and the effect of this tonsil if it got infected. It will got swollen somehow, and it makes you have a few other 'package' like fever, headache, sore throat and even lost your voice (temporarily). I had all of them above, and the hardest part is the part where you lost your voice, and actually, you will have difficulties on swallowing things as well..
In the history of medical and science (how many years have they been? 1000? 2000?), they can't even determine what is the usage of tonsil in our system..
The story begins when I had a very hot fever last year (when Mareesa just 2 weeks old).. Took all of my medicine, then 2 weeks later, I had the fever again. I was kinda weird, as I have never experienced a fever that close before (2 times fever in 1 month gap). Then I thought that maybe because I was too tired travelling (melaka - KL).. Then it happened again on the next month. In one month, there are confirmed days that I'll be in fever.
I've taken the medicines. I went to different docs to have different opinions and meds, but my fever bieber will surely visit me from one month to another.. I was worried with my condition, and so do wifey but we couldn't tell what caused this, why is my condition like this.. Not until in the month of March or April, I had this 'unable to talk' symptom.. Then I knew that my tonsil was swollen, and giving me all these sort of pains and the fever bieber repetition..
The doc told me that I'll be monitored in about a year period, before he can give me recommendation on to cut off my tonsil, not likely to get it in one or two occasions.. So there it goes, since then, I was collecting mcs month by month from the same doctor, and in July, I was given the referral to go for checkup..
Then an operation scheduled, I will have mine removed. The operation went smoothly, it took the docs about 1 hour plus from a to z.. The procedure was simple, but since my doc is a senior doc, he used knife and scissors method, instead of the newer laser method.. So, it took me 1 weeks plus for recovery process.. In the recovery process, my best friend is the pain killer..
And seriously, the pain was so painful, I have never had such a degree of pain before. In other words, the most painful pain that I've ever had is the post operation pain.
Btw, before I forgot, I undergo the operation at KPJ Damansara Specialist. The doc (Dr. Roslan) is a very good doc and the hospitality of the hospital was very nice. I stayed for 3 days before I can be discharged. I can only be discharged when I'm able to eat on my own..
The next checkup was about a week after, and sadly, my throat was still bleeding and I was given an extra 3 days.. And during my 'confinement', all of these are painful : speak, swallow, cough, yawn, giggle, sujud, drinking, and everything that may use your throat..
The good thing is that I'll not have this tonsil problem anymore in the future (as I have mine removed), but the bad thing is that I'll have to bare with the 1 week plus pain.. In order to go 'pain free', you'll have to undergo a very painful state.. And I bet, this applies for everything in our life..
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