Dec 9, 2011
Nov 18, 2011
Photography 101: Long shutter exposure.
The picture above is a sample of a long shutter exposure. It was taken with 1/8th of a second with F7.1. Super Steady Shot ON, handheld. A man with his satay. A long exposure picture is a good example on to show the pathway of the fire, and also the movement of the man.
What is a long shutter exposure? Well, what is shutter anyway? ;-)
A shutter is just like a window blinds. If it is open, it’ll let the lights come in. If it is closed, it won’t let any light go through. The window glass is your lens. Behind the shutter is the sensor (this is only applicable for digital cameras). The sensor is very sensitive to light. When the sensor is exposed to light, it’ll draw pictures. Basically, that is how a digital camera works.
Light go through lens, through an opened shutter, exposed the sensor and produced pictures.
If your shutter opens too long, you’ll risk an over exposed picture. What is an over exposed picture? A picture which looks too bright, lost details on most of the subject, and worst case, it went white. If your shutter opens too short, you’ll risk under exposed picture. A totally opposite of the overexposed, still not that much details captured, and worst case, it went black.
But, how can I create a nice long shutter exposure by not risking my picture to get overexposed?
Not that hard. Remember the basic principal of window & blinds? Yes? Good. Actually there are one more thing to that basic. It is the aperture. It is basically the opening diameter of the lens blades. Means, in other words, between your blinds and your window glass, there are another blinds that are adjustable on the amount of light allowed to come in.
In simpler noob calculation, if a perfect picture (P) is 100% consist of 50% (S) shutter opening and 50% (F) diameter of aperture
100% P = 50% S + 50% F
If you still want a perfect P but with higher (& longer) S, you’ll have to minus the F:
100% P = 70% S + 30% F
And vice versa.
BUT in photography, a smaller F means that a bigger in F numbering format. For example, F2.8 aperture is bigger than F16 aperture. I think you’ll get confused with it. Ok, example below:
100% P = 1/125 S + F2.8
100% P = 1/4 S + F16
In example 1, a higher S is needed to get a perfect picture, but your Aperture has to opened big enough to let the light come in through. In example 2, a slower S is needed to let more lights come in because the Aperture is small (not that many lights allowed to go through the lens as the aperture opening is small).
Slower S means that your camera has to be that steady and should not move at all to let the picture evenly formed. If else, you’ll result in ‘shaking’ picture. And if you purposely want a shaking picture, just don’t put your camera on tripod~ ;-) Take long shutter picture while jumping, then you’ll get it. Happy shooting Long Shutter Exposure pics!
Nov 10, 2011
I am a computer programmer. While I may not extensively writing programs anymore, but I like to write programs. There are many languages, C, C++, VB, UniVerse, jBase, or even SQL, the main ingredients are just equally the same (for some sort). They contains: IF, ELSE, THEN, FOR, CASE, DO, WHILE and the most important thing is END. I can relate this to our life, and yes, they 'are just equally the same (for some sort)'.
No matter what you do in life, no matter what language are you verse with, the things are just the same. The only difference is the way. Whatever you do (or decide), there are always in 'cause and effect' clause. IF you do this, THEN this will happen. WHILE you do this, IF you come across this, DO this. ELSE, do that. In CASE the thing is this, you DO that. IF the CASE is this, you DO that. Our brain is so that powerful that they can 'write' their own programs, without you realizing..
Your brain store A LOT OF PROGRAMS.. You, yes you, helped in the creation of the programs.. Any program will have options. Most of my 'writable' programs will have IF THEN ELSE in it, some of it contains just too many that me myself would have difficulties on 'reading' it all again after leaving the program for some time. But worry not, your brains will not have any problem on reading it all again, rewrite the programs, edit, or even delete them. It is an unfortunate if somehow our brain is damaged and failing to read and write those programs anymore.
We have options, and we always think of options.
Options. Think of options. Don't blame others or blame اَللّهِ for not giving you options.
Since we have so many options, its up to you to choose one that best suits you, or option that is better for others but not you. In Malay traditions, we are being thought to always have courtesy. It is a very good thing to have, but as always, you are the one who possess the key to choose. You decide you own self (and the one that relies on your decisions)
Most people will not liking 'programming language class' (furthermore if you're required to take it for exams), but I don't know why, I like it from the very first minute up till the time of writings. I would say for the rest of my life? But that would be over exaggerating.
Did I mentioned about the most important thing is the END? Your program is not a program, not until it had the END. You do the thinking.
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Nov 9, 2011
Missed could have meant many things. I missed the train. I missed her. I missed the spot for an inch. Completely missed the point of the conversation. Honey never missed to call her mom. Missed my blackberry while in the train. Missed Universe *joking*
But anyhow, I am missing them. My honey and Naima. This morning was the first time in my life, leaving home with Naima alone, while honey stayed at home. Feel abundantly awkward. No joke. The moment I set her to the nursery, feels like crying, feels like I wanna take her along to the office. But that is not possible. As yet. Not until I owned my own office, not until then Naima..
Life’s like that. One have to change to change oneself. I thought I have heard that too many times. Yes, I did.
Missed. A lot of things.
Sep 8, 2011
Anyway, I never gambled as in gambling (judi). But somehow, gambling in my own dictionary refers to 'take the risk'. If you wanna learn how to swim, just take the plunge. Don't hesitate. You'll learn how to swim by just jumping into the lake. Only then you'll succeed. اِنْشَآءَاللّهُ
Anyway, my last gamble was about a year plus ago, when I decided to change workplace. There are pro and cons, but the best thing is that I'm working closer to wifey and our house. Still, the ultimate dream is to work from home, besides your loved ones.
During old times when I couldn't decide on which way to go, I'll toss the 20 cent coins. Then I'll follow the result, its either head or toe (I'll always follow the head). But that was 10 years ago. You don't have anyone but yourself.
Now things are different, the horizon is bigger and the weight is heavier. Gamble? No. Gamble? No. Gamble? I don't know. Heck, you'll never know.
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Aug 22, 2011
My Tonsillitis Story..
Picture was taken at random from Mr. Google, indicates that the location and the effect of this tonsil if it got infected. It will got swollen somehow, and it makes you have a few other 'package' like fever, headache, sore throat and even lost your voice (temporarily). I had all of them above, and the hardest part is the part where you lost your voice, and actually, you will have difficulties on swallowing things as well..
In the history of medical and science (how many years have they been? 1000? 2000?), they can't even determine what is the usage of tonsil in our system..
The story begins when I had a very hot fever last year (when Mareesa just 2 weeks old).. Took all of my medicine, then 2 weeks later, I had the fever again. I was kinda weird, as I have never experienced a fever that close before (2 times fever in 1 month gap). Then I thought that maybe because I was too tired travelling (melaka - KL).. Then it happened again on the next month. In one month, there are confirmed days that I'll be in fever.
I've taken the medicines. I went to different docs to have different opinions and meds, but my fever bieber will surely visit me from one month to another.. I was worried with my condition, and so do wifey but we couldn't tell what caused this, why is my condition like this.. Not until in the month of March or April, I had this 'unable to talk' symptom.. Then I knew that my tonsil was swollen, and giving me all these sort of pains and the fever bieber repetition..
The doc told me that I'll be monitored in about a year period, before he can give me recommendation on to cut off my tonsil, not likely to get it in one or two occasions.. So there it goes, since then, I was collecting mcs month by month from the same doctor, and in July, I was given the referral to go for checkup..
Then an operation scheduled, I will have mine removed. The operation went smoothly, it took the docs about 1 hour plus from a to z.. The procedure was simple, but since my doc is a senior doc, he used knife and scissors method, instead of the newer laser method.. So, it took me 1 weeks plus for recovery process.. In the recovery process, my best friend is the pain killer..
And seriously, the pain was so painful, I have never had such a degree of pain before. In other words, the most painful pain that I've ever had is the post operation pain.
Btw, before I forgot, I undergo the operation at KPJ Damansara Specialist. The doc (Dr. Roslan) is a very good doc and the hospitality of the hospital was very nice. I stayed for 3 days before I can be discharged. I can only be discharged when I'm able to eat on my own..
The next checkup was about a week after, and sadly, my throat was still bleeding and I was given an extra 3 days.. And during my 'confinement', all of these are painful : speak, swallow, cough, yawn, giggle, sujud, drinking, and everything that may use your throat..
The good thing is that I'll not have this tonsil problem anymore in the future (as I have mine removed), but the bad thing is that I'll have to bare with the 1 week plus pain.. In order to go 'pain free', you'll have to undergo a very painful state.. And I bet, this applies for everything in our life..
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Aug 19, 2011
Muslim Football Players
* Samir Nasri
* Robin van Persie
* Maroane Chamakh
* Bakari Sagna
* Kolo, Yaya and Ibrahim Toure
* Armand Traore
* Zinedine Yazid Zidane
* Mesut Ozil
* Franck Ribery
* Abel Xavier
* Karim Benzema
* Zlatan Ibrahimoviç
* Johan Djourou
* Nicolas "Bilal" Anelka
* Eric Abidal
* Frederic Kanoute
* Hasan Salihamidzic
* Hatem Ben Arfa
* Ibrahim Afellay
* Khalid Boulahrouz
* Lee Woon-Jae
* Mahamadou Diarra
* Seydou Keita
* Sulley Muntari
* Mohammed Sissoko
* Nuri Sahin
* Valon Behrami
* Lorik Cana
* Djibril Cisse
* Mamadou Sakho
* Serdar Taschi
* Andre Ayew
* Nordin Amrabat
* Hakan Yakin
There are many more young and talented players which are muslims, and what i'm intending to do here is that what had happened the other day during Super Cup Barcelona vs Real Madrid (which saw Barcelona won on 3-2).
It is not known on what exatly David Villa said to Ozil, but he (Ozil) responded on quoting “I did this because I was defending my religion because David Villa insulted Islam.”
Whatever it is, insulting someone else religion is a big no no in any country. In this case, the accused Villa had to do the justification. You just made your reputation hang in the balance dude.
Live life to the fullest, stay strong to your believes, and in my case (and many more throughout the world), we believe in Allah and la ilaha illallah..
p/s: I'm proud that quite a number of my favorite players is Muslim, furthermore since they are the Gunners ;-)
Jul 27, 2011
Jul 20, 2011
Jul 11, 2011
Sedih dgn mentality sesetengah people..
"Ooh, bestnya main salji di Melbourne, xnak balik Msia sbb Malaysia ada Perhimpunan Haram.."
"Tidak boleh berhimpun kerana Malaysia ini aman! Jangan jadikan Malaysia tidak aman!"
"Semua jem teruk sebab BERSIH! (Bukan sebab polis roadblock)"
Sedangkan, BERSIH itu sebenarnya memperjuangkan hak setiap anda yang baca penulisan ini..
Sedangkan, BERSIH itu sebenarnya memperjuangkan hak setiap anda yang baca penulisan ini..
Satu quote y paling aku suka diucapkan oleh salah seorang pemimpin di hari kejadian..
"Siapa di antara kamu yang berusia 40 tahun dan ke bawah, anda semua tidak tahu apa itu erti demokrasi!.."
Ok, enough is enough.. Play that quote in your mind, digest it, and rethink again.. Don't let your mind dijajah lagi..
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Jul 6, 2011
Jul 5, 2011
There is a fine line..
Do you ever come across this line? "I have a dream.." It is a word from the ever famous Martin Luther King, Jr... Yes, he had a dream, then he got killed soon afterwards..
Did I always write about death? Not exactly, I write about things that I would like to do before I left this world.. No one knows exactly when you are gonna leave, when are your loved ones are going to leave you, or is it you are the one that will leave first..
There are not many things that I want in life, half of it has already achieved, for example, marrying your soulmate, and having had the chance on seeing your own daughter's eyes.. But there are some other things more that I'd like to do before I leave.. And one of it is to taste the taste of success.. In other words, completes all that left on my list.. That, would exactly tell me on what will the taste; taste like..
Love is all I have, and hope keeps me awake.
Ya اَللّهِ keep me awake while I achieve, or trying to achieve my dreams. I know I don't deserve a day when You say I don't.
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Jun 30, 2011
I wanna taste something..
There are many things that can be considered success, varies from one another, and it depends entirely with what you think is one..
I have a few, had dealt with a few, but couldn't achieve with the one that i want the most.. should i reveal it here?
Nahh.. I know that i should write it off somewhere and have it seen like everyday, but that is not for everyone's eye of view..
The thing here is that you'll have to have one of your own and work it out right, let go your ass off the floor and chase it (or them).. there are things (surely) in between that drag you off course but you'll have to get back to the route..
It doesn't matter how long it takes, how bad it takes, you should stick to the plan. There are no other place that is as eternal as the Heaven and the afterworlds (alam barzakh) and always remember that life is temporary and not the ultimate.. always remember that life in this world is just a test of Him to everyone.. A loan you wouldn't know the end date.. All the living soul will face death. Every life born is not without death.
Make full use of your life while you are still here, achieve what you wanna achieve within this 'loan' period, while you can breathe the air and taste the love of your loved ones, and pray to Him for everything..
What is success means to you? *Ermm.....* If the first thing that come out from your thought is that, you still don't have one as yet.. Please do so, please make one, and you'll win do it. اِنْشَآءَاللّهُ
Life is nothing without goals of your own..
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Jun 23, 2011
ASB haram..
Kenapa dengan senang² saya cakap tak halal? Sebab Jabatan Mufti Negeri Selangor sudahpun mengeluarkan keputusan tentangnya.. "bersetuju memutuskan bahawa ASN,ASB seumpamanya adalah tidak halal kerana masih belum menepati hukum syarak.."
Itu adalah quote dari jawapan surat pertanyaan (as per attached) but I still have a doubt of it.. Takut surat tu orang buat² and totally fake.. To get the bottom of it, and to clear my head about this thing, aku call nombor telefon y tertera dekat header surat tu..
Mula² general line tu angkat (saya cuba shorkan story dengan tak letak drama kat sini), then transferred my call to Mufti department, then kat sana diorang pass ke another man (this man sounds like Ustaz) then ayat yang keluar dari mulut dia adalah..
"Ya tuan, memang Majlis membuat keputusan ASB dan ASN itu adalah tidak Halal.."
A slap somewhere on the head..
So, without any doubt, it is not Halal, in other words Haram..
Worry not, there are many more options for you to park the invested money to Syariah Compliant funds.. You may ask me more as I'm involved in this (though i never shout it out loud).. For me, this information is for us all to know and take actions..

Jun 22, 2011
Jun 20, 2011
I don't wanna sleep.. Boleh?
Well, ape aku merepek?
Anyway, since kat koleq, there are a few of my kinds - in which, sleep lesser than others, done things that others don't, simply because we are not sleeping while others lost in their slumber.. It happen to be that I did that also during uni years, and so do now..
For me, sleeping simply means - you lost many things. Well, I didn't say that I didn't sleep at all~ heheh.. I also went to bed, so do normal people, but I'd like not to sleep, coz (I've said it earlier), I would loose many things..
Have you ever tried staring into your loved ones for hours while they are sleeping? Have you ever do the chores while your loved ones sleeping? Have you ever had the best conversations with your best friends while others were sleeping? Have you ever watched the sun rises on the east while others are sleeping? Have you ever sat on your own, staring into the darkest night and thought about all the things in life? All this for the sake of 'I'm ocay I don't sleep now, I'll miss a lot of things while I'm sleeping'
Means, if I didn't sleep, it is not like I'll qada' that sleep later, but I just play it as per norm in my daily life.. Sometimes, I even pretend to sleep (when I knew it that wifey is about to wake up) just not to have her worried much.. (Yes she will be worrying all day long if she found out that I didn't sleep at night).. Oh, didn't I tell you I did that too with my mom? Hehehe
I'm not having insomnia.. I can sleep for 10 hours (but that would make me want to sleep more) like normal people.. But having this thought of missing and wasting, made me enjoy the state of not sleeping.. My record was 72 hours for not sleeping, I would like to continue more but my sis said that I'll damage my internal organ, so I went to sleep..
They said that sleeping is good for the body, so, please do sleep as usual.. Don't be me, as I'm not you.. This is just me, for being the only me.. Tak tido, mesti mengantuk.. But it is in the mind eh? When mind over matters, will it work? ;-)
Many great people sleep less, for example - Napolean Bonaparte, Leornado da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and many more, but guess who slept more and was also a great man? Albert Einstein! He said that he found inspiration during his dreams.. Well, hurrm..
Dan adalah lebih baik untuk bangun sepertiga malam, ber-Qiamulail dan insya-Allah doa kita akan dimakbulkan اَللّهِ..
Coffe/caffein is in my blood, though I slept all night long or I slep for about 2 hours during the night, I'll still have to take em up every morning.. So, it has no difference to me, really.. Same je tido sikit or banyak.. ;-)
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Jun 16, 2011

Macam nama orang pun ada.. If letak Mr kat depan, dah jadi Mr Anon, quite reasonable to be a person's name..
Anyway, if you read at wikipedia, anon is a group of people, which are hackers. Yes. They hacked web pages. They do prank calls. They moved people. They are that powerful, yet no one know exactly how many they are, where are they come from, who is their leader, and basically they just being anonymous..
They did all that (hacking) because of a reason. The reason of being freedom in the internet. I blog before about the power of bloggers, but not to mentioned the hackers as well. They've hacked Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, to name a few. They've changed decisions and showed the world that people power is the most powerful force, supersede the government.. is the main target around this time. That is because Malaysia is banning torrent and file sharing websites. That (reportedly) made them unhappy and targeting Malaysian Government websites as their punching bags.
Malaysia is taking a good heads up on discourage the means of pirates and p2p, but that is unacceptable on them. My guess would be, Malaysian government are trying to shut the mouth of a giant.. They should enforce a lower approach, rather than targeting the main 'suppliers'.
They should educate the young and old about this wrongdoings instead pouring a fuel to a bunch of flames.
Good luck The Government, may you sleep well these coming days or weeks or months.. They (anon) are just too many to handle, and I don't think that the best designed firewall can withstand the power of anon..
Didn't I tell you they even hacked CIA websites? Good luck!
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Jun 15, 2011
Jun 14, 2011
To the power of blogs and beyond..
It somehow knocks me in the forehead as if waking me up from a long slumber.. I had been writing before, but it somehow vanished, sinking deep on the oceans floor.. I like to write, was thinking of writing books (when I was young) and yet publishing any.. Heheh.. Anyhow, please get back on the topic..
I have thought of proud, some disbelieve, but it is not impossible.. I know she'll be learning a lot (basic html tags to name a few), but she is now ahead of me on many new things.. I never knew the term 'Blog Walking' and such before.. Now the table has turned, I'll have to learn from her.. ;-) In fact, a lot of things.. Hehe.. Proud of you Honey..
From my observations, the power of blogs are that big that it can even make the government shaky, moved people, and even touched a lot of hearts.. Some of them are very personal that it made you devoted.. Some of them are really funny that made you cried out laughing.. Some of them are really informative that made you stick with them.. Some of them are really smart that you fall of their cons..
In anyway it turns out, just that you'll have to know what's right and what's not.. Do not take it as a whole, ends up making wrong decisions if not worse.. Happy blogging guys, I foresee this as a thing in the past and present, and in the future (as long as the host still kicking) :D
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Jun 7, 2011
It is not the How..
It have been quite some time since I last read any books.. I can blame myself for not having the time, but heck I can blame anything or just anyone.. Malcolm Forbes once said, there is never enough time unless you're serving it..
Anyway, what I want to share today is what I remember most of my past readings.. Surely there are a lot that I can still remember (which have deep impact on me) but the exact thing that I want to share today is the biggest thing that I've read. It made me to close the books and hesitate for nearly 30 minutes before I can continue on reading.. It is in one of the many books of Robert T Kiyosaki.. He answered on of the questions from the masses on how can he be this successful. The phrase goes something like this : -
"It is not the question of How, it is the Why. The how is not that important. When you know the Why, you'll find the How."
That time, I'm still single and have no daughter or a wife as yet, but if I read it now, surely the impact would be much more stronger and I may have shed some tears out of it.. He is exactly right, it is not the how.. it is not how on he had been that successful that you can copy and do it for yourselves. Though you can, but if the Why is there, it would be greater and achievable beyond anything that may come to surpass.
Life is shorter than most have thought.. That is in one of the lines of the many great lines by Maher Zain.. I don't have all the time is this would, so do us.. Make use the most of your time, tomorrow should be better than today, اِنْشَآءَاللّهُ
Jun 3, 2011
May 24, 2011
I'm not what I'm suppose to be
Anyway, back to the topic, I'm not what I'm suppose to be.. I don't know what exactly runs through my mind about the topic itself, but since this body is almost 30 years old now, you slowly begin to figure out what you want the most in life.. One of my friend said "kan best kalau dapat duit jatuh dari langit.. Duduk rumah takyah gi kerja.." Well, what will I do if really money fell from the sky in front of me? I'll just walk away then.. Why? Momma once said "don't take what is not yours.." Apart from that, that is not my goal in life.. My goal is not to take whatever money in front of me and live at home without doing anything.. Well, that is just not me..
I want to spend my live besides my loved ones, Honey, Mareesa and family members.. Every seconds counts then.. I don't have all the time in the world just to waste it in this office.. Like they care about my life then.. They can always find replacements if really I failed to come to the office when tomorrow comes..
I want to hear more of their laughs, more of their stories, answer all their questions, and story to them stories of my life let it be they've heard it before.. Thought them what I've learn, and urge them to hear my 'football and Arsenal' stories, though they might not have any interest on it at all..
Doing my own business, take more pictures, doing more sales, saving more money then.. And above all, I want to visit more mosques, and getting closer to اَللّهِ..
It is beyond any doubt on this, I doa to اَللّهِ so that I'll have all the strengths in the world for my dreams..
آمِيّنْ… آمِيّنْ… يَ رَ بَّلْ عَلَمِيّنْ
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May 5, 2011
Jan 24, 2011
Back to basic..
He has much influenced my actions during years spent there, and we share the best part of all, by being great friends.. We stayed as a housemates for about a year, then split houses (for some unavoidable reasons) then reunited again during our final years there.. It was such a memorable moments.
Ok, back to basic. What does it all means are down to this thing below.
When you are in a lot of trouble, when you seems to heading nowhere, when all the things on this world turns its back on you, just back to basic. Go back to your family, go and talk with your mom, talk with your dad and siblings, that is back to basic.
Yes, you would never knew, anytime in the future, that you might have stumbled such a problem that seems like all hopes are gone, everything is darken, everywhere is in gloom, just back to basic.
It appears to be quite absurd when he first shared this to me, since he got not that very nice stories between him and his family, but hey, I did stumbled onto a biggie, I went back to basic, and it worked for me though! Same as what he has done, he will just back to basic.. "Just back to basic Nageb.." all your problems will somehow sorted out, the sky is clearer, and the grass is greener than green again :-)
I still received some unexpected calls from him, shared almost everything and laugh our lungs out. I will always remember your words of wisdom then. Thanks and now I’m sharing it to the rest of the worlds. :D